The kettlebell has grown in popularity over the years as an effective and versatile training tool. These ball-shaped weights with a handle are not only convenient to use, but they also offer a wide range of exercises that can target many different muscle groups. Among the two most common types of exercises with kettlebells, we have the “ballistic” exercises and the “grinds” exercises.
Ballistic kettlebell exercises (swing, clean, snatch, jerk…) are more dynamic and work on generating and absorbing energy dynamically, while grinds (press, turkish get-up…) train the body under controlled and deliberate tension for an extended period.
” Ballistic ” kettlebell exercises
In this first part of our guide, we are going to focus on ballistic kettlebell exercises. These exercises involve quick, explosive movements that can help improve your strength, power, and overall fitness. Ballistic exercises are also great for burning calories, boosting your metabolism, and helping you lose weight.
Introducing Kettlebell Ballistic Movements
Ballistic kettlebell exercises are different from traditional bodybuilding exercises due to their explosive and dynamic nature. Quick, powerful movements use the power of your hips to propel the kettlebell in specific directions. This means that ballistic exercises are not only great for building strength and power, but they can also improve your coordination, balance, and agility.
Ballistic exercises are therefore unique to kettlebells, and can only be performed with this equipment. ! Whether you’re an experienced athlete looking to improve your performance, a beginner looking for an effective way to lose weight and strengthen your body, or simply someone looking to add variety to your workout routine, you’ll find the key ballistic kettlebell exercises in this guide to help you achieve your goals.
Get ready to experience gravity-defying moves that will dramatically improve your fitness. With a combination of strength, explosiveness, and coordination, ballistic kettlebell exercises are the perfect tool to transform your body and improve your overall athletic performance.
However, it is important to note that ballistic kettlebell exercises can be more technically demanding than traditional strength training exercises. It is therefore essential to master the basic techniques before moving on to more advanced exercises. We also recommend consulting a healthcare professional if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are new to kettlebell use.
Top Ballistic Kettlebell Exercises
The main ballistic kettlebell exercises are :
- The kettlebell swing
- The kettlebell clean
- The kettlebell jerk
- The kettlebell clean and jerk
- The kettlebell high pull
- The kettlebell snatch
Kettlebell swing :
The kettlebell swing is one of the most popular ballistic exercises with kettlebells. This is a dynamic movement that involves swinging the kettlebell between the legs followed by a rapid hip extension to propel the kettlebell forward. This exercise targets the muscles of the legs, glutes, abdominals, back and shoulders.
To properly perform the kettlebell swing, hold the kettlebell with both hands, feet shoulder-width apart. Then, keeping your back flat, core engaged, and shoulders low, bend your knees slightly and pass the kettlebell between your legs. Then perform a powerful hip extension to drive the kettlebell forward until it reaches shoulder height. Repeat the movement, swinging the kettlebell between your legs, swinging it forward, and returning it to the starting position.
The kettlebell swing is a very effective exercise for developing muscular power and endurance, especially for the leg, glute and abdominal muscles. It can be used to improve athletic performance, posture, and cardiovascular health. Also, it can be modified according to fitness level by using kettlebells of different sizes or increasing the number of repetitions.
For more details, we invite you to read our complete guide to the kettlebell swing.
Kettlebell clean :
The kettlebell clean exercise is a ballistic kettlebell movement that involves bringing the kettlebell from the floor to the rack (over the shoulder) position. This exercise challenges the muscles of the legs, glutes, abdominals, back and shoulders, while improving coordination, stability and functional strength.
To properly perform the kettlebell clean, hold the kettlebell in one hand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, bend your knees and swing the kettlebell between your legs while keeping your back flat and shoulders low. Then, using the strength of the legs and glutes, throw the kettlebell upwards to bring it into the rack position.
For more information, you can consult our article dedicated to kettlebell clean.
Kettlebell jerk :
The kettlebell jerk exercise is a kettlebell movement that combines a pushing motion and a moving motion. This exercise targets the muscles of the legs, glutes, abdominals, back and shoulders while improving muscular and cardiovascular endurance, as well as coordination.
To properly perform the kettlebell jerk, begin by holding a kettlebell in each hand, in a rack position. Slightly bend the knees and, using the strength of the legs and glutes, propel the kettlebells upwards by performing a small jump (without lifting the tips of the feet from the ground, only the heels). As the kettlebells rise, bend your knees slightly, locking your elbows to land the kettlebells with your arms straight above your head.
Kettlebell clean and jerk :
The kettlebell clean and jerk exercise is an advanced kettlebell movement that combines two different movements: the clean and the jerk. It is used to improve coordination, strength, power and muscular endurance while working the whole body.
To properly perform the kettlebell clean and jerk, start by holding a kettlebell in each hand. First perform a clean to bring the kettlebells off the ground into the rack position. Then, perform a jerk to bring the kettlebells to a high position, arms stretched above the head. Return the kettlebells to the rack position, then swing back to repeat the movement.
It is important to note that the kettlebell clean and jerk is an advanced and demanding exercise, which requires a good command of the basic clean and jerk movements. It is therefore recommended to start with light weights and focus on correct technique before moving on to heavier weights.
For more details, we invite you to consult our article dedicated to kettlebell clean and jerk.
Kettlebell high pull :
The kettlebell high pull exercise is a kettlebell movement that primarily targets the muscles of the shoulders, arms, hips, and glutes. It is also beneficial for improving coordination, strength, power and muscular endurance. It is generally used to ease the transition between the swing and the snatch.
To perform the kettlebell high pull, hold a kettlebell in each hand on the floor in front of you, with knees slightly bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Pass the kettlebells between your legs then use the strength of your legs and glutes to propel the kettlebells upwards. When the kettlebells are halfway (facing the pelvis), begin pulling with your arms, bringing your elbows up to bring the kettlebells up to your chest.
It is important to note that the kettlebell high pull is an advanced and demanding exercise, which requires a good command of the basic movement of the swing. It is therefore recommended to start with light weights and focus on correct technique before moving on to heavier weights.
Kettlebell snatch :
The kettlebell snatch exercise is a dynamic movement that emphasizes power, endurance, and muscle coordination. This is an advanced and demanding exercise, which requires mastery of the basic swing and high pull movements, as well as good technique and physical condition.
The snatch involves raising the kettlebell from the starting position on the floor to overhead in one smooth motion. To perform the kettlebell snatch, start by holding the kettlebell in one hand on the ground facing you. Pass the kettlebell between your legs and then perform a powerful hip extension to propel the kettlebell upwards.
Read our article dedicated to the kettlebell snatch for more details on this movement.
” Grind ” kettlebell exercises
In the second part of this guide, we will focus on kettlebell grind exercises. Grind exercises are slow, controlled movements that involve isometric and concentric muscle contractions. They are excellent for developing muscle strength, stability and endurance, as well as improving mobility and flexibility.
Introducing kettlebell grinds
Kettlebell grinds are often considered more traditional and less dynamic than ballistic exercises. However, make no mistake, grind exercises can be just as demanding and effective in strengthening your body and improving your overall fitness.
Kettlebell grinds can be used to target specific muscle groups, such as the legs, arms, back, and abs. They can also be used to improve stability and balance, as well as help prevent injury.
Kettlebell grinds are excellent for developing functional strength and muscular endurance. They often involve polyarticular movements that simulate activities of daily living, which means you can expect significant improvements in your day-to-day life.
Main exercises kettlebell grinds
Kettlebell deadlift :
The kettlebell deadlift is one of the simplest and most effective exercises for strengthening the muscles of the legs, glutes and back. It is a grind type exercise, meaning it is performed in a slow and controlled manner, unlike ballistic exercises which use kinetic energy to propel the kettlebell.
To perform the kettlebell deadlift, start by placing the kettlebell on the floor in front of you with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing slightly outward. Next, bend your knees and lower yourself, keeping your back straight, to grab the handle of the kettlebell with both hands.
Once you have a good grip, slowly straighten your legs and back as you lift the kettlebell off the ground. Make sure to keep the weight centered on your feet and maintain a stable, balanced position throughout the movement.
When you reach a standing position, contract the muscles in your lower back, legs, and glutes to maintain an upright, solid posture, then slowly lower the kettlebell to the floor, bending your legs and keeping your back straight. Repeat the movement to perform several repetitions.
To learn more, we invite you to consult our article dedicated to the kettlebell deadlift.
Kettlebell squat :
The kettlebell squat is a grind-like exercise that strengthens the muscles of the legs, glutes, and back, while improving mobility and flexibility in the hips and knees. This exercise is also excellent for improving posture and balance.
To perform the exercise well, it is important to keep your head and chest up, maintain an upright and strong posture, and keep the weight centered on your feet throughout the movement.
The kettlebell squat can be adjusted to suit your fitness level by using kettlebells of different weights. It can also be done with one hand by alternating sides for asymmetrical work.
Incorporate the kettlebell squat into a complete training program that includes a variety of exercises to work your entire body improving your strength, endurance, and overall physical health. To learn all about this exercise and its variations, you can consult our article dedicated to kettlebell squats.
Kettlebell lunge :
The kettlebell lunge is an exercise that primarily targets the leg and glute muscles, while also working the core muscles to maintain balance and stability. This exercise is great for improving leg strength, flexibility and mobility.
To perform the kettlebell lunge, start by holding the kettlebell with both hands close to your chest. Then step forward with one leg in a long stride and bend your front knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Keeping your back straight, your back leg should be bent at 90 degrees with your knee almost touching the floor. In the bottom position, maintain your balance and contract your glutes and legs to slowly rise to a standing position.
It’s important to keep your head and chest up, maintain an upright and strong posture, and keep the weight centered on your front foot throughout the movement. The kettlebell lunge can be adjusted to suit your fitness level by using kettlebells of different weights. You can also increase the intensity of the exercise by pausing halfway between the low position and the high position for maximum muscle contraction.
Kettlebell press :
The kettlebell press is a vertical pushing exercise that primarily targets upper body muscles, specifically the shoulders, triceps, and back muscles. This is a great exercise for strengthening and toning upper body muscles, improving posture and increasing shoulder stability.
It is important to maintain an upright and solid posture throughout the exercise to avoid injury and maximize the benefits of the kettlebell press. Additionally, you can adjust the intensity by using kettlebells of different weights.
The kettlebell press can be incorporated into a complete workout program that includes a variety of exercises to work the entire body. By combining the kettlebell press with other grind and ballistic exercises, you can improve your strength, endurance, and overall physical health.
See our article dedicated to the kettlebell press for more info.
Kettlebell thruster :
The kettlebell thruster is an exercise that combines a squat with an overhead press, and primarily works the muscles of the legs, glutes, shoulders, back, and triceps. It is a comprehensive exercise that strengthens and tones multiple muscle groups at the same time, and can be used to build strength, endurance, and coordination.
This exercise is ideal for anyone looking to improve their strength and overall fitness, especially for those who have little time to devote to training. By working multiple muscle groups at the same time, the kettlebell thruster maximizes the benefits of each exercise and creates a complete and effective workout.
You can read our article dedicated to the kettlebell thruster for more info.
Kettlebell turkish get-up :
The kettlebell turkish get-up is a grind type exercise that works the strength, stability and mobility of the whole body. It is a complex exercise that involves several different movements, but can be very beneficial for developing coordination and balance.
To perform the kettlebell turkish get-up, start lying on your back, with a kettlebell held firmly in one hand, arm extended straight up, and knee on the same side bent. Use your free hand to support yourself on the floor and lift your body into a seated position, keeping the kettlebell upright above your shoulder. Next, place your free hand on the floor and raise your body to a standing position, keeping the kettlebell upright above your head.
The kettlebell turkish get-up is an exercise that may seem difficult to master at first, but has many benefits for the body. It helps strengthen the muscles of the core, shoulders, arms, legs and back, while improving coordination, balance and joint mobility. It’s a great exercise for athletes of all levels looking to improve their strength and overall fitness.
Kettlebell windmill :
The kettlebell windmill is a grind type exercise that works the strength, stability and flexibility of the body. It is an exercise that emphasizes spine and shoulder mobility, as well as hip and leg stability.
To perform the kettlebell windmill, start standing with a kettlebell held firmly in one hand with your arm stretched upwards. Spread your feet shoulder width apart. Keep the arm holding the kettlebell straight and slowly bend to the side, keeping your eyes focused on the kettlebell throughout the exercise and your legs straight. Lower yourself until you touch the floor with your free hand, then come back up.
The kettlebell windmill is a great exercise for improving spine and shoulder mobility, as well as strengthening leg and hip muscles. It can be especially beneficial for athletes of all levels looking to improve their fitness and flexibility.
However, it is important to start with a light kettlebell weight and work slowly to master the technique of the exercise before increasing the load. It is also important to stay focused throughout the exercise, controlling every movement and maintaining a stable posture to avoid injury. With regular practice, the kettlebell windmill can be a valuable addition to any strength and conditioning training program.
Kettlebell row :
The kettlebell row is an exercise that primarily targets the back muscles, including the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, etc. This exercise is excellent for developing strength and muscle mass in the back.
To perform the kettlebell row, start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart and two kettlebells in front of you. Bend forward at the hips keeping your back straight and grabbing a kettlebell in each hand. Pull the kettlebells towards your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body, contracting your back muscles and maintaining good posture throughout the exercise. Hold the contraction for a second, then slowly lower the kettlebells back to the starting position.
The kettlebell row can be done with a variety of kettlebell weights to accommodate different levels of fitness and strength. There are also several variations, such as the one arm row or the gorilla row.
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